Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wishing all of our family and friends a Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wild Child

Last week we traveled to Minnesota so I can complete some training for work. Mom and dad were so kind to let us intrude on their lives and stay with them for six weeks. It will be interested to see how meshing two families together in the same house works. So far we have enjoyed (just about) every minute. If it wasn't for the whole work thing, it would be a lot more fun.

Grandpa is working hard to convert his kids to the biker lifestyle. On Saturday he unveiled a black "Wild Child" electric motorcycle for the grandkids to enjoy. Of course Hayden was wide-eyed and excited to be the first one to jump on for a ride. It took him a while to figure out how to not only make it go, but keep it going as well.